People Operations

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How to Create Process for Process-Averse Teams

It’s key to introduce change in the workplace with careful consideration. Follow these tips to get employee support and buy-in.

Small Business Owners Share How They Show Employee Appreciation Year Round

Is it possible for a small business to show its employees appreciation and give back all year long? See what these small business owners think, and check out ways to say thanks!

The Secret Ingredient to Helping Your Company Evolve: 5 Lessons From “Teal” Organizations

A teal organization is like a living organism that transcends power and control. It allows the employees to self-organize and self-manage. Is your company ready to make this move?

Amazon Loses Bid to End Worker Lawsuit Over Work-from-Home Expenses

Some employers are adopting reimbursement policies as a worker benefit. Others must do so because of the laws in their jurisdiction. Do you know where your company fits on the spectrum?

HR’s Role in Change Management

Many companies might see change management as the sole concern of upper-level management, but human resources has a big role to play in this area.

The Future of the Tech Industry: Practices and Culture

The tech industry saw a significant economic shift in 2022. What does that mean for possible trends in 2023 for your business? Find out here.

Can an Employer Ask for Proof of a Family Emergency?

Employers can ask for proof of a family emergency, but they can’t ask for medical documentation or other sensitive information.

Everything You Need to Know About Workforce Optimization

Understanding that workforce optimization can help you eliminate or reduce barriers to productivity is essential to your business.

Everything You Need to Know About Workforce Planning

Organizations use workforce planning to analyze their current workforce and determine what steps they should take to meet future staffing demands.

HR in 2023: Trends to Watch For

Read about upcoming forecasted trends and innovations in human resources for the year ahead.

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