Dan Marzullo

Dan spends his time writing, advising, and speaking about entrepreneurship and career development. He’s driven by helping others forge their own path to reach new levels in their careers. Visit danmarzullo.com to see more of his work.

449 articles

5 Ways to Incentivize Eco-Friendly Practices in the Office

Workplaces have a significant impact on the environment. Here are ways your organization can become more environmentally friendly.

Should Childcare Stipends Become Part of an Employee Benefits Package?

In an effort to support and retain their working parent employees, many companies are offering childcare subsidies. Are they right for your organization?

Is a Credit Score Check During a Background Check Ethical?

While almost every state considers pre-employment credit checks legal, there is some question about the ethics behind them. Find out more here.

How Soon Should Employers Interview After a 2-Week Notice Is Given?

Wondering about the best course of action when an employee resigns and you need to fill their position? Follow this guide as a starting point.

How Often Should a Company Perform Fire and Safety Drills?

Curious to know more about how often a company should practice fire and safety drills? Find out the right schedule and when to refresh this important training.

How to Choose the Best Vision Insurance for Employee Benefits

Find out why offering vision benefits to your employees could be smart and what to consider when choosing the right plan for your organization.

How to Create a Work Environment That Encourages Career Advancement

Supporting and facilitating professional development allows team members to work at their maximum potential. Here are ways to support employee growth.

Is Your HR Platform Missing the Mark in Helping Recruit Top Talent?

What are the pros and cons of using HR software for recruiting, and why is the human touch still necessary for the recruitment process? Find out here.

Is Your Employee Retention Program Working?

Organizations can significantly improve the chances of retaining employees by implementing these strategies to boost job satisfaction.

Safety In the Workplace: Active Shooter Training

Since active shooters have become a more significant concern, it’s essential that companies address the possibility of a threat head-on. It's a topic most would prefer to ignore, but below we have provided you with information to get you started toward keeping your staff safe.