Your HR & People Operations Questions, AnsweredWhat should I be thinking about if I’m looking to expand my workforce globally?
HR Questions>What should I be thinking about if I’m looking to expand my workforce globally?

What should I be thinking about if I’m looking to expand my workforce globally?

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Jeremy Sanford asked 7 months ago

1 Answer
Jean replied 7 months ago
Hi Jeremy,

As an HR leader, the process of expanding your workforce outside of your current country can be unfamiliar territory. There’s so much to consider, and it can be overwhelming not knowing what types of hurdles you might need to go through.

In this episode, David Watson, Product Marketing Manager at Zenefits, talks through some key questions to ask before starting the process.

First, we should ask ourselves, why do companies typically expand global workforces? HR leaders see the value in having a diverse workforce by hiring internationally. You can gain team members that can offer a fresh perspective, sometimes leading to more relatable initiatives that your clients can better relate to. It also opens the doors for hiring top talent. While we have an incredible workforce here in the U.S., there are a multitude of qualified applicants just beyond our borders.

The role of an HR leader is to essentially protect the company from falling out of compliance. Here are some questions you can ask.

1. How do I stay updated with international laws that continue to change?
2. How do I adapt new processes into my existing HR and payroll process to ensure all employees are experiencing the same level of support?
3. What do benefits look like in other countries?

If you’re looking to expand your workforce, take into account these questions and understand how you can solve these within your own organization. By addressing these questions up front, you prepare yourself and your organization for the different hurdles you might face when expanding your team.

For more information, check out the video below:

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