SMB Rules & Regulations

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Do Small Businesses Have to Provide Health Insurance?

The government does not require a small business to offer health insurance for workers if it has fewer than 50 full-time equivalent positions.

Types of Small Business Insurance to Reduce Your Risks

Numerous types of small business insurance exist to protect businesses and their owners from the risks of adverse events. Here's what to know.

How Often Should a Company Perform Fire and Safety Drills?

Curious to know more about how often a company should practice fire and safety drills? Find out the right schedule and when to refresh this important training.

Feds Enact Workplace Pregnancy Accommodations, Expand Lactation Requirements

Here’s what employers need to know about how to stay compliant with the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PFWA) and the PUMP Act.

What’s the Difference Between Exempt Vs. Nonexempt Jobs? A Guide

Are you wondering whether or not an employee is eligible for overtime? It’s essential to understand that your employees aren’t exempt or nonexempt. The job they perform is. This article will help you get it right.

Nursing Mothers in New York Get Additional Workplace Protections

Find out what employers in New York must do to stay in compliance with lactation accommodation requirements.

What Is the Interactive Process Under the ADA?

Participation in the interactive process is an important element of complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here are the proper steps for employers to take.

Amazon Loses Bid to End Worker Lawsuit Over Work-from-Home Expenses

Some employers are adopting reimbursement policies as a worker benefit. Others must do so because of the laws in their jurisdiction. Do you know where your company fits on the spectrum?

Registering Your Small Business: Single-Member LLC vs. Multi-Member LLC

Single-member LLCs vs. multi-member LLCs differ around ownership, taxes, and liabilities. Find out which company structure is right for you.

Can an Employer Ask for Proof of a Family Emergency?

Employers can ask for proof of a family emergency, but they can’t ask for medical documentation or other sensitive information.

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