People Operations Maturity Model

People Operations Maturity Model

A model to help HR leaders use data to drive decisions, connect HR to business strategy, and have a proactive approach to workplace management

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People Operations. You may have heard the term before, but what does it really mean? And how can it impact your business?

People Operations (People Ops, or POPS) is a people-centric business approach that emphasizes workforce empowerment to drive growth. With a focus on automating traditional HR processes, POPS shifts attention from tactical administrative work to people and productivity.

The People Ops methodology is the recipe to automate HR, design a great employee experience, and unleash the workforce. When your people are at their best, your business is too. It’s the ultimate force multiplier.

In this guide, we’re providing a light introduction to the People Operations Maturity Model, which helps HR leaders know how to:

  • Advance their departmental chops
  • Become more data forward
  • Better align to core business objectives, and
  • Be more proactive


Download our eBook to understand how to increase your organization’s role as a strategic leader. The end goal? A workplace with best-in-class processes, technology, and opportunities. AKA, a great employee experience.