HR Lessons from COVID-19

HR Lessons from COVID-19

Here are business insights from the first lockdown — plus a checklist to help HR leaders manage productivity and employee engagement during COVID-19.

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The first wave of COVID-19 hit small businesses hard.

More than 100,000 businesses closed their doors permanently due to the first wave. With case numbers still high in many locations, it’s possible that more lockdowns could occur across the country.

The good news is that we’ve learned a lot from the first lockdown. HR leaders have learned the importance of sick leave policies, crisis plans, remote work, and investing in technology for their businesses. If another shutdown goes into effect in your area, your HR department can be better prepared to weather the storm with these tips.

Download HR Lessons from COVID-19 for:

  • Lessons from the first shutdown
  • Tips to prepare for another shutdown
  • A comprehensive shutdown checklist


Access a checklist of business insights from the first lockdown to help you manage productivity and employee engagement in this free download.