Advisory Services

Get unlimited access to our team of HR and payroll experts.

An on-demand HR team

Our Zenefits Advisory Services keeps things simple by giving you unlimited access to our team of HR and payroll experts, whenever you need it.

For unlimited HR and payroll advisor access

Just shoot us an email or pick up the phone during the working day and we’ll be there for you, whether you’re dealing with things like new contractor payout regulations or you’re thinking of rolling out a new time off policy

$8 Per month
Per employee

A paid Zenefits account is
needed to purchase this add-on.

See Zenefits Pricing

We’ve got answers

Whatever the situation, our experts will provide advice tailored to your specific situation and will tell you if it’s time to speak with a lawyer.

  • Dealing with difficult employee situations
  • Handling compliance challenges
  • Reviewing company policies and handbooks
  • Navigating multi-state compliance
  • Understanding compliant procedures for employees with unique taxation circumstances
  • Dealing with wage garnishments and levies
  • Understanding overtime rules
  • Navigating employee terminations and final paychecks
  • And more
Small Companies

Outsourced HR

Sometimes the most basic HR tasks, like running payroll for the first time, can be a daunting challenge for small companies. Our experts will help you avoid common compliance mistakes and provide you with helpful HR guidance.

Midsized Companies

An on-demand HR team

For many midsized companies, hiring someone full-time isn’t an option, even though payroll can get complicated and HR issues arise. Instead, lean on our expertise for a fraction of the cost.

Large Companies

Leverage our expertise

Companies large enough to have several full time HR professionals use Zenefits’ experts to fill in the gaps and save you time. A ten-minute call with one of our advisors could save you hours of research on your own.

Asked Questions

When are Zenefits Advisors available?

Zenefits Advisors are available to help answer questions via email or phone Monday through Friday from 8am - 5pm PST.

How quickly do you respond?

We pride ourselves in having exceptionally quick response times, because when you need help, you need it now. You can expect to get an answer to your question within one business day.

How frequently can I ask for help?

No one’s counting questions. You can ask our experts for as much help as you need, whenever you need.

Can I get an Advisor without joining Zenefits?

Unfortunately, no. You need a Zenefits account to use our Advisory services. Our experts need to be able to access key information about your company so they can provide advice tailored to your specific situation, so you need a Zenefits account to use our Advisory services.