Jean Spencer

Jean Spencer is the Sr. Integrated Campaigns Manager at Zenefits. She’s a prior journalist, a current marketer, and always an entrepreneur. Her first job was selling homemade puzzles (cardboard boxes, painted, cut up, and assembled into plastic baggies) at the bottom of the driveway for $0.25.

25 articles

What Is a People Operations Manager? (and How Is It Different From an HR Manager?)

Check out key differences between two human resourcing camps — People Ops and HR — plus an overview of the People Ops role.

61 Stats About People Operations, HR, the Workforce, Remote Work, and the Employee Experience that You’ll Definitely Want to Know if You’re in Human Resources

Here's your ultimate guide to stats relating to modern work and people operations — covering workforce technology, remote work, what employees want, and more.

COVID-19: Has It Permanently Changed Small Business?

Here are 3 ways businesses are expecting lasting changes to their worlds of work.

Research: Employee Retention a Bigger Problem Than Hiring for Small Business

You hear hiring is a big challenge for small business. But according to the statistics, employee turnover is an even bigger problem.

Business Unusual: How Happy Lucky’s Teahouse Reached Record Sales During COVID-19 (With Video)

This story is part of our Business Unusual series. Each week, we share real stories from small businesses and how they are adapting to a new world of work.

Email Examples and Templates for Staff and Customer Correspondence

Ready to reopen for business? We crafted sample memos to send to employees and customers announcing your return.

Checklists for Reopening Business After COVID-19

As businesses begin to open up, employers will need to come up with detailed plans to keep workers and customers safe. Use these checklists as guidance to make the return to work safe.

Business Unusual: Hardship Breeds Resilience, Says the CEO of This 82-Year-Old Company

How a fourth-generation business born during the Great Depression — and navigated its way through 4 recessions, September 11, and Hurricane Sandy — is handling COVID-19.

Business Unusual: Self-Employed and Struggling With PPP

What do you do when searching for PPP money becomes a full-time job? One freelance photographer shares his story.

Getting the Most out of Your Health Benefits

A step-by-step guide for employers who want to maximize the value of health insurance