People Operations Guide and Checklist for Employee Well-being

People Operations Guide and Checklist for Employee Well-being

Start putting your employees first. Discover tips and a checklist for applying People Operations principles to boost employee well-being.

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An actively disengaged employee can cost their organization $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary — or 34%, according to Gallup.

Further research from Gallup suggests that as many as 87% of workers are disengaged from their jobs.

How can employers start putting their employees first and prioritizing their well-being? They can apply People Operations principles.

In the People Operations Guide and Checklist for Employee Well-Being, you’ll find guidance on:

  • Offering tools that make employees’ jobs easier
  • Allowing flexible work arrangements
  • Understanding and driving employee motivation
  • And more

Start boosting employee well-being today! When your people are at their best, your business is too.